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Daniela Bittner-Nightingall

photography: Hilde van Mas

  About me 

  • creative concept & script for show, film and photography

  • art direction for show, film and photography

  • stage management & choreography

  • fashion & lifestyle consulting

  • fashion rent for styling

  • fashion, people & location scout

  • graphics & multi media arrangements

'What's behind the curtain?'



My passion has always been strongly told stories that leave something mysterious and unraveled - and move.


Often it is just a smell, a movement, a melody, a picture, a photo, a sentence, a word that tells everything without explanation. And so I think it's the same with fashion.


How could I summarize the many influences and experiences from literature, photography, film, theater and of course music and an eventful life in one whole? Ultimately with the passion for fashion.


It seemed to me that the communication about NACHBARIN - my business, which conveys fashion design in such a way that it becomes a matter of course to meet with what is attractive and what is to be dressed, as the perfect synergy between art and lust for life.


Encounters with designers as well as with my customers become an experience and new friendships are made.


In our time of rapid change and increasing distance, it is still my wish and more than ever a necessity via my online shop and other platforms to transport these synergies and my idea of ​​lifestyle, to create intimacy between the discovered product and the future owner.


As Josefine B. I regularly stage photostories with well-known photographers, furnish and style.


Once turned to film, screenplay and literature, I took up the thread of storytelling in more detail, developed concepts for somewhat different presentations of fashion, used unusual, forgotten places outside of my own exhibition space, wrote and staged fashion theater shows for applied and performing artists unite. Fashion in its most subtle form takes on the most natural position - the living bearer of a story.


Another media idea is in the works and I'm looking forward to throwing myself into this role with new energy and muse ...


'What a difference a day makes - with a strong story and a simply perfect fitting dress'

'What a difference a day makes - with a strong story and a simply perfect fitting dress'

yours neighbor xx


Thank you!

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